It’s hard to be the best.

Are you the best dentist?


Do you have the best team surrounding you?


Do you have the best spouse?

Quite possibly. But some days you wonder.

With how easy it is to compare yourself with everyone else these days, it can be quite daunting to think you’re the best.

But the judgement if you are the best was never ever casted by anyone else. Even to my entitled millennial generation, I really am trying to speak to you here. As precious as I was told growing up that I could be anything that I ever put my mind to, I do still live in this reality.

The problem lies with facing a barrage of data the internet brings to us. It can compare us to every other practice existing in the world outside. It can compare our training techniques with our staff being detailed enough. It can compare our spouse to every significant other that is handier, handsomer and hunkier. The Triple H 🙂

So why not stop being the best for everyone else. Why not be the best for yourself. 

Sounds selfish like a typical millennial, I know. Hear me out before you ignore the rest of the rant. 

Take care of yourself first. Mentally and physically.

How can you be at your sharpest wit if each day the mental gymnastics needed to be performed would train you to be a gold medalist? Take some time for mental breaks, consider meditation. At the very least, set aside 5 minutes to just reset.

How can you be at your best when you’re wearing yourself out at the end of each day? Make the effort to exercise. Put in a 20 minute cardio walk to lift your spirit.

It truly starts with self first. Be the best version of you. Subtly, then suddenly the answers come to you for everything else. 

Too often we think about the problems outside our exterior as needing resolve first. But find the answers you can control from within first, that’s when the priorities sort themselves. 

Try it for a week. See what happens. It doesn’t have to be big changes, but it needs to be an actionable effort. Take care of yourself my friend as we enter our busiest season. Thrive on.
