Just as we’re getting back into the swing of things.

The pandemic numbers and hospitalizations are swirling back up like a pig being chased in a pen.

Underlying all of the shutdowns, the fatigue, the fear and everything else it has caused you to stress about in your daily practice, this has been one of the biggest inconvenient drags in our lives.

Think about all the changes you’ve made since Friday, March 13th when the pandemic was declared a national emergency.

Turned the waiting room into an old magazine storage collector.

Donned a hazmat suit.

Added n10,000 choking mask.

Added a bug deflector face shield.

Added a cellophane barrier to every working surface.

Added a fan and filter to each op making sure toupees are glued on tight enough.

Hand sanitizer everywhere to remind you might be an alcoholic.

Shooting each patient in the head executioner style with a thermometer.

Interrogating each patient like a terrorist suspect.

So for those who feel stuck in their ways. You’re not as unadaptable as you think you are. That’s a boat load of things you’ve done differently.

But, now I want you to prepare mentally for lockdown 2.0.

Unless hospitals become completely overwhelmed, the dental industry as a whole will mildly be affected by any shut down 2.0 orders.

The adaptability of people as a whole has not been more apparent.

Look how dentistry found a surge of demand as we came back. The drawdown for hygiene 6 months later without recall for two months in March/April was an easy prediction. But your practice is still standing. You’re still thriving. And PPP loans will likely be given and taken as a supplement to whether the storm til vaccines become widespread.

Without a need to spend money on other fruitless items, people are spending more money on self care items. It’s why the sudden push of patients just wanting to get their treatment done. Healthy teeth become one less unknown to deal with.

Unless you have not been adaptive in your practice, you are sitting just fine. You have demand before lockdown 2.0. You will have demand after lockdown 2.0. 

But I know pandemic fatigue has set in. I would love to give all my patients a hug right now. They all could use one. We all could use one. 

So keep doing what you need to do my friend. Keep your spirits high. Self care is self love.

Get that massage you’ve been holding out on yourself. Lock yourself away while the kids are at online school for a little meditation sesh. Thrust yourself out in the crisp fall air and exercise your wobbly pale legs.

There’s never a bad time to take care of yourself. It’s an investment in your body. Especially in a time when you need your body performing at its peak. If there is anything to thrive about in this pandemic. It’s that you take priority #1. Then care for everyone else there after.
