How quickly will you break off any resolutions? Maybe you’ve already broken all of them this year.

If you’ve broken them all, then it’s not necessary to read any further.

But I want to have my assistant have the perfect day, where each setup is perfectly laid from left to right, never exiting the room to deploy a search party for a missing part and dismissing each patient 10 minutes prior to the hour for a non-rushed turnaround.

That sounds too perfect…

Maybe I just need to work on being done 10 minutes prior to the appointment hour.

I’ve always gone about this in a roundabout way. I always asked what I have to do to get my staff to realize what it is I’m aiming for. 

This resolution to have beautiful, on time, stress and worry free appointments seems to flutter in and out of my life. Whenever I’d focus on it with my team, man would that first week is great!

Just like returning from a hyper engaging CE speaker, the sprint never outlasts the everyday fatigue of practicing.

Where do we draw our energies from to help us push forward with our resolution???

If you’ve been following these articles for awhile. You already know the answer.

To the newer folks joining me here in 2021, the answer is always within yourself.

The consultants you hire, they’ll tell you all the problems, all the solutions and everything in between. But they’re not the one in the trenches, opening mouths and giving post op instructions.


It’s always been about you. It’s been about your team and about your practice putting in the efforts.

Follow step XYZ or tutorial ABC, they all point to the same thing. You’re attempting to change yourself. The assistant is attempting to change something within themselves. Plus everyone else in your circle.

If you can recognize its within yourself, and your team to put in the work, day by day, week by week, the energy to change becomes a synergy with what you become.

Never aim to change anyone else before you change yourself.

Thrive on to many of your resolutions this year my friend,
