Don’t yuck my yum.

I love a lightly brushed ketchup and mustard on a classic encased hotdog. And if I had to start my own business and didn’t have a dental degree, I’d sure think about starting a hotdog food truck.

Making an old school mustard, grinding up mustard seeds and spicing with peppercorn and turmeric. Buttering an old English Muffin Bread, scoring two sides to create a rectangle after toasting it on a flat hotplate.

A simple homemade chili fills in the corners between bread and dog. I’d call it the SLam Dog.

I’m not a fan of relish. But I’d still make a homemade sweet pickled relish. Maybe even a kimchi relish to honor my Asian heritage.

That’s the thing, even though I might not like relish, others do. I’ve been told by some because I don’t relish that I’m doing a disservice to my dog. I think not. Why do they have to yuck my yum?

Often we don’t realize it, but many place their personal opinion as being the sole correct one. If they like something, why can’t everyone else?

But just like those who love cilantro, there are an equal amount that think it tastes like soap. It’s been scientifically proven the difference in taste buds.

I find it odd that in dentistry we force our opinions that ‘our’ dentistry is the best version. And so often try to yuck another’s yum. You might be catching yourself doing it this minute. Or a colleague doing it to you.

Your personal taste allows you to be uniquely you. You also need to tailor what you personally like to what you do daily in your dental office. It’s much more rewarding eating a hotdog with all the toppings you like than one that grosses you out.
