I’m just wrapping up my 5th dental client website. This was a doozy as this would be similar to building a home from bare ground.

I always start the website with the foundation. Which to me is the core philosophy of the practice. The presence and the feeling when one of your patients walks in, what is that essence?

Is it homey? Funny? Quirky? Friendly? Artistic? Serious? Clean Cut?

There are just as many flavors and directions one could take their website as they could take their practice philosophy. But that website of yours should fully invoke the sensation and vibe that you’re going for.

If it’s a Superhero in tights theme you’re after, embrace it. Sell it to the Comic Con enthusiasts. They love dressing up. Give a discount if any of your patients wear a costume to visit. I don’t know. But it’d be a pretty spectacular photo op to make people think you’re the dentist for Darth Vader and all his StormTroopers.

When I run into a website that has had all the life sucked out of it due to ‘algorithm’ and cookie cutter coding, it truly ruins the experience a would-be patient is pursuing. And you know what, the Googy search engine will love you more.

See, when you type anything in the search engine, you’re hoping for the best fitting result to come in at the top of the list. Once you click on your first link, The Googs (for now) is hoping it did its job finding you what you’re seeking.

And if you’re the ‘right’ feeling dental office for that person, then bingo, we have a connection made in cybernet search heaven.

So when you’re thinking about making an update to your website. Think about the overall personality and persona it’s displaying. Does it truly align and link with the vibe you’re portraying.

