Either you can let the stink of stagnation and change paralyze you into submission.

Or you can embrace the eventuality of change. Let the breath of fresh newness take away the stench of stale oldness.

Yeaaa, I’m selling my car today. 

Cars are such a weird thing.

As a society, we’ve humanized the damn things. A mouth like vent, the two front headlight eyes streamline back to the sheared forehead appearing windshield.

We even refer to them as her, or him. Some even get names.

My Audi was as reliable as Old Faithful. She was ready to start at a moment’s notice. 

She maneuvered from distracted drivers and always kept me safe. Gave me comfort on a few road trips. Used the back seats as a napping cot, sometimes as a full on bed for an entire night’s sleep. She once provided shelter to me in single digit temps as I captured wintery starry photos over Grand Marais. 

My best friend Brian and I made a 16 hour, there and back, trip to Kenosha Wisconsin to pick her up from the previous owners. Giddy when I first laid eyes on her. The little kid in me opening up a Christmas present.

And here I am, reminiscing. It’s a bittersweet moment as I let her go.

Change is difficult.

But I’ve learned something about accepting change. It’s made any transition in my life that much easier. 

What is it?

Change is easier when it comes with the fact that what you’re changing into, is for the better.

Say hello to Teslam.

Fully electric. No more oil changes, no engine to tinker with and no gas guzzling stops ever again.

Teslam is faster, cleaner and even drives itself. So before the rest of this blog ends up being a car infomercial I’m going to stop myself. 

Change has happened in all of our lives. Suddenly. Dramatically. Drastically you could say in a pandemic laden world.

The changes, as difficult as they may be, it’s hard to see now, but they may be a lot better for us than we think.

It’s made us take time to think about ourselves. How is my current situation? Am I happy or not? Should I nurture myself more? What should I prioritize in my life?

This forced mirror can either magnify the problems that you already knew that existed. Or it may be just the bit of introspection to push you in the right direction for transformation.

Well gotta go to the bank now with the buyer of my Audi. For him, this is a big transformation as well. Even if it may just be a car. 

Some bit of change that you can certainly look forward to.

Thrive on my friend,
