Last week, I completely changed my life.

I picked up a brand new puppy. Mochi Butt.

For someone who loves to travel, enjoys solitude and doing the unknown on a whim. This is quite the root I’m planting. My younger self would decry such responsibility. I enjoy my freedom too much.

But alas, a change of heart, to open it up and allow another to enter it so freely.

And as I take Mochi out after missing her ‘I want to pee’ face and accidents inside the house, I get the sense that I had welcomed a lot of others into my heart.

It makes sense.

I welcome my staff, my colleagues and my patients to have an albeit smaller section, but nonetheless a portion of it. It’s because I do care. 

I care that my staff are well at home. They can take care of their families and leave the day satisfied with the job they’ve done.

I care that my patients leave with treatment that they wanted and a quality they deserve.

It never had to be complex. A business guru will tell you the KPI’s and harp on the efficiencies gained if you switch a word during dialogue. But if change never comes from the sense of caring, any changes made will always feel hollow.

It doesn’t change the fact that we run a business. But remove the heart and soul, you get a dental practice that functions more like Amazon. Cold and calculated. The product is still an MO composite. But what’s behind it changes.

Our practices are living entities. We can either train it to be robotic. Or we can be the ones who infuse warmth and personality into it. Just like you can train the dog out of the dog.

Take care and thrive my friend as I will do the same with Mochi.
