Rough composite against buccal mucosa. 

That’s what I felt like Monday morning. Why did I have such a terrible night’s sleep might you ask? Well the day before, I was only forced to an annual hour jet lag ritual called Daylight Savings Time. 

It’s so insidious. Why the heck do we even do this!

It doesn’t make much sense to me 

We know statistically there are more traffic incidents, more miscarriages, more heart attacks and more missed appointments the Monday after ‘Springing Forward’ that dumb hour. It’s almost been ingrained into our heads that it’s a societal necessity.

Instead, shouldn’t we ask, do the benefits of doing this outweigh the costs? 

Cause it seems to me this practice was predicated on an arcane approach to conserve gas and fuel ‘energy’ during World War l for the Germans. When it was seen as an advantage, 40% of the world would eventually follow the Germans idea. 

And now my patients, my staff and I have been paying for it all week. Sorry if I sound like a sour crab apple. But I’m tired, and jet lagged and still recovering. 

Maybe you’ve been feeling the after effects of Daylight Savings Time. Maybe this week hasn’t been so stellar. You find patients a little more irritable than the rest of the weeks. There is power in sleep and routine. 

This is coming from a reforming sleep deprived, ‘I can sleep when I’m dead’ Dentist. I used to pair 4 am bedtimes with 6:30 am alarms like peanut butter with jelly. Sure did taste good for those 3 and a half hour nights, but man does it catch up fast. Eat too many peanut butter jelly sandwiches and the weight gain can be seen in your chubby cheeks..

Our bodies are such well oiled machines. Pre-programmed by the inputs of sunlight. stimulation and activity. Throw off the balance just by a little, we compensate in other ways.

So if you are bearing witness to undue stresses to your life this week, it may have been due to some arcane reason to try and save a little daylight. Chin up, reflect and get a good nights sleep to thrive.

Take care my friend,
