This will be my first conference since the whole world went down the tubes to a spiky protein. The world may have already been going down the tubes, but it certainly feels like it’s accelerating.

I had signed up to go to the Dental Influencers Alliance in Atlanta back in 2019. Things got cancelled, and here we are today. I’d be lying to say I’m not a little nervous at all to meet dentists and speakers.

It’s not that I’m scared of the Covid or Omicron or Oh My God virus. I’ve already had it. It’s that I have to interact with a large group of people once again. 

What’s been incredible has been the swaying of all our minds in one way or another. You are completely a different person pre-Covid to mid-Covid today. And it didn’t take much to do. That’s the incredible art of persuasion. It’s perverse and happens with us unknowingly.

Nobody wanted to wear masks before all of this, and now you have a clamoring group of ninja wannabes. Nobody wanted to isolate or stay home from work and now hygiene ad’s go unnoticed. And with vaccinations… It’s still crazy as grenades get lobbed between anti-vax vs vax camps.

But I’m glad we’re not like Melbourne or Austria where your right to go outside or eat at a restaurant have been taken away. Draconian measures that don’t make sense, that don’t work, only adds fuel to the burning question of why we can’t allow the individual to assess their own risk profile. In light of all the information that we now have about this pandemic, a lot clamor for more restrictions, a lot clamor for no restrictions.

Just like I’ve mentioned before, the answer is never the extremes, it lays somewhere in between. 

So back to going to this conference. I’m really happy that I get to make new teeth friends and learn new teeth things. I just haven’t had to do it for so long (over two years now). 

Be grateful we’re not shutting down dental practices, making everyone stay home. I’d rather be hopping on this flight and thriving with the next great dental influencer.

