Practicing Dentistry Is Hard

30 hours into first person view drone simulations.  If you don’t know what an FPV drone is, imagine being a falcon you fully control. Dive bombing on command, banking to the right and pulling a barrel road right above your dental practice. That’s the ability you have with these drone technologies. The only issue flying […]

The Future Data Driven Dental Practice in the 2020’s

A decade of networking. The 2010’s was the development and dominance of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok.  Think of any social media platform with millions of users. The network effect is in play. Meaning the more people on a platform, the more utility and value you derive from it. Remember sneaking […]

My Worst Day As A Dentist

Here is one of my worst days I’ve endured in a long time. Sigh… I don’t even know where to begin. It’s stretched me to the point that I feel like the DDS behind my name actually stands for Doctor of Dumb Stupidity. I had to use another patient’s wax rim on my new patient […]