Dentists Who Constantly Think About Dentistry

Do you suffer from Constant Dentistry? Not to be confused with re-laxative treatable Constipated Dentistry. Still never a good thing when plugged up like that. Yes Constant Dentistry (CD). It’s a real thing. When dentistry consumes every aspect of your life. You’re not just only starting and ending your day brushing and flossing teeth, but […]

The Friction Of Dental Practice

Boy is it winter here! Anything above zero degrees is considered a heat wave. Getting back to above freezing is a distant memory and when it does happen again, you can bet on your frozen fingers I’ll be wearing shorts and a t-shirt. The air is so dry here, as soon as I walk on […]

The Cards Are Stacked Against New Dentist

When the cards are stacked against you… Stepping onto the podium, shaking with the right, grabbing the DDS diploma with the left. I don’t remember much from graduation day. I do remember how little I knew about dentistry though. I could tell ya with one hand how many root canals and extractions I had done […]