My Biggest Complaint During An Interview Campaign

I’ve been set on a search for a talented dentist to join a transitioning team. Every time I put out my hand in the grab bag of available searching dentists, I’m shocked by what I find. The oozing of loathsomeness just for the fact you possess an opportunity and position they have yet to work […]

I F*cking Hate Dental Insurance (A Change)

I loved playing video games!!! I’d sit in my hutch, sprawled all over my old school grey Nintendo. I could sit there for hours, trying to level up Mario, prevent the little doggy from laughing at me in Duck Hunt or race another lap in Al Unser Jr.  But to say I was any good […]

Chess and Teeth

I was a chess phenom back in the day. I went into my first elementary tournament in the fifth grade. My sweaty palms, moppy hair and thirst to take other players chess pieces was unrelenting. I remember being so nervous sitting across a total stranger. My opponent, a stout 7th grader glared me down ready […]