Getting The Covids

Well, it was inevitable. I was going to get antibodies one way or another. Found out after a deep nose picking that a spiky ball thing has inseminated me with it’s RNA. I finally won the covid lottery and tested positive earlier this week. It began with the headaches, a brain fog and inability to […]

The Thankful Edition There is so much to be thankful for. But today I just wanted to keep it simple. We’ve endured a zombie apocalypse, riots and cutting out socializing with anyone over the age of 65. Not trying to be age-ist here. I’m going to be most thankful this year for good health and a joy […]

Another Lockdown Coming, But Not All Is Lost

Just as we’re getting back into the swing of things. The pandemic numbers and hospitalizations are swirling back up like a pig being chased in a pen. Underlying all of the shutdowns, the fatigue, the fear and everything else it has caused you to stress about in your daily practice, this has been one of […]