Stop Pursuing Happiness, It’s Not What It Seems

I’m going to admit, I used to be one that really pushed a mantra that seems to be very prevalent with ‘woke’ culture and millennials. I fed into the belief that we should always ‘pursue happiness’ with all our energies. Doing anything else but pursuing happiness left me with a bunch of empty calories and […]

How I’m Retiring At 50 From Dentistry, NOT FIRE

I want to be able to retire by age 50. And it’s not because I hate what I’m doing. On the contrary. I just want to see if I can do it. And I’m going to break down my plan to do it. It will take a bit of grit, good old fashioned hard work […]

This Is About Electing

So why every Thursday, I wake up at 8, fix the last egg and brown the end of the butt end of a loaf of toast… and is that grammatically correct even??? Prolly not. Sit down on my computer and bang on the keys for a good two hours. Sometimes I utilize an outline, other […]