Cowboy Dentistry

Last week I left Minnesota. Let the wind flow through my shoulder length hair, threw on a cowboy hat and explored the heartland of the US. Once upon a time, I was a cowboy in dentistry. Yea, yea, yea, you might be rolling your eyes… not another one of Grandpa Lam’s stories. Hey you keep […]

Investment In Associates Is Difficult [Part II]

Remember everyone buying Bitcoin in December 2017 when it was worth over $20,000? Remember the frenzied buying into the dot com bubble in the late 90’s into the 2000’s? Remember buying any type of property or housing before 2008? Hey it was an investment!  Or at least everyone and their uncle’s mom knew it was […]

The Endgame Of Dentisting [Part I]

It’s the twilight years of your mature dental career. Maybe 5 more years before you’re calling it quits. Your dental hump may be showing a little more, but nothing like a few cracks at the chiropractor couldn’t solve. But as you make an appointment for an adjustment, you feel searing pain. This episode jolts as […]