Anti Lock Down Dentist

This will be my first conference since the whole world went down the tubes to a spiky protein. The world may have already been going down the tubes, but it certainly feels like it’s accelerating. I had signed up to go to the Dental Influencers Alliance in Atlanta back in 2019. Things got cancelled, and […]

The 3rd Thankful Edition

I believe this is my third Thanksgiving edition of whatever this blog writing has become. Sometimes part dad joke parodies, sometimes serious warnings of the macroeconomics moving like incipient caries attacking our dentistry. Time flies when you’re doing something you enjoy. So as you’re winding down into your tryptophan induced coma today let me seed […]

Sham Surgeries

‘Internal Mammary Artery Ligation’ could be still used today if it weren’t for an astute surgeon, Leonard Cobb. Before the 1960’s, if you complained about chest pain caused by heart disease, a course of action to relieve the symptoms was ligation surgery. Essentially closing a main artery near the heart and shunting more blood flow, […]