A $4,000 Signing Bonus For An Assistant Would You?

The only way to fight higher prices is with higher prices. I just perused the wanted ads for a dental assistant, I got the sticker shock to see signing bonuses at first for $2,000. Then my jaw dropped a little bigger as the next ad said $2,500 signing bonus. $3,000 just below that. My jaw […]

Depth Perception Is A Lie Compared To Reality

“The reality of doing the right thing matters more than the perception of doing the right thing.” -Elon Musk Yesterday, my favorite entrepreneur laid down this dime of a quote at the CodeCon Conference. That’s how much of a nerd I am. Listening to coding conference interviews. Anyways. I wanted to dive deeper to what […]

A Website Without Personality

I’m just wrapping up my 5th dental client website. This was a doozy as this would be similar to building a home from bare ground. I always start the website with the foundation. Which to me is the core philosophy of the practice. The presence and the feeling when one of your patients walks in, […]