I hate consecutive MOD composites!!!


More specifically, the #13MOD #14MOD #15DO combo serve. 


Complete utter dread.


What is it about a side by side MOD’s that just bothers me like mosquitos buzzing by my ear?


I can swat at it, spray repellant, but to no avail, another one eventually shows up. Just as these MOD’s show up in my schedule. Avoid it all you might, it’s a relentless beast.


In my own perfect dental world, every filling would just be straight occlusals…


Having patients that need dental work, I should be grateful for this. Instead I’d rather spend a whole blog session complaining about it. Or tell my assistant how much I despise doing this procedure. I grumble, crinkle my nose, and do the professional thing, put a smile on my face in front of the patient, then drill away. While inside I wilt away in disgust.


It’s just a mental issue. A poor mentality towards a procedure.


And it’s not even a poor procedure. That’s what gets me. It’s actually a very productive procedure in terms of material cost, time and earnings. In comparison to single crowns, a couple or three MOD’s produces the same or more per hour.


But it’s somehow much more satisfying blowing through the interproximal. Creating perfect rounded margins and occlusals. Isn’t there something so relaxing about the perfect crown prep?


Instead I’m now having to use a finicky interproximal matrix system. Stabbing the patient’s gum with the funky shaped wedge and clamping on a ring that looks like it came from your high school janitors keychain ring. 


Well I digress.


Maybe instead of hating, dreading, and despising this procedure, I need to see that it could be oh so worse.


I could have no patients to even work on. That would be a terrible snoozefest and unproductive.


If I had home issues piled on top, nagging spouse, dog crapping on the carpet, and snot filled kids constantly getting sick, it’d quickly make me forget about some of these MOD’s. 


So as much as I despise these craptacular, likely open contact food trap procedures, I can always tell myself, it could be worse.


Guess I need to get to my RCT on #15 in a small mouth, tight cheeks and thrusting tongue.


Thrive on my friend,



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