Well, it was inevitable.

I was going to get antibodies one way or another.

Found out after a deep nose picking that a spiky ball thing has inseminated me with it’s RNA. I finally won the covid lottery and tested positive earlier this week.

It began with the headaches, a brain fog and inability to regulate my body temp at night. Crazy thing is, whenever I checked my temp at work, it always came back within normal. 

The positive is I had been staying away from most everyone as a precaution while I was starting to feel the symptoms come online. Last week in my Thanksgiving special, I may have mentioned that I was writing the article alone in my house. Well if I hadn’t, I was :(… tiny cry for help.

It was 4 days of feeling total utter crap.

Now I’m feeling like 100% with a great night of sleep, a glass of OJ and a dose of vitamins.

Smacks me in the reminder balls every time it happens.

Taking for granted health while you have it.

Being cut off from work, my workmates and the culture. I love coming to my work, day in and day out. It was a disappointment to myself. The extra work and ordeals placed on everyone to rearrange, rebalance and implement sudden change. I think we will always find it hardest to shrug off responsibility while we have no control over our virally overrunned bodies. 

I’m going to harp on you, for the sake of you. Taking on the burdens, responsibilities of others is a creation that you have done unto yourself. So you certainly have the choice to allow it to stress you to death. Or sharpen your razor focus upon your return to get your ship moving back in the direction you want it.

That’s a cultural edge you can breed into every single person who works with you. Breed them all to be the natural leaders they already are. So even when the one they look up to for leadership is missing, they know they can also find it within themselves and carry on.

Feeling better, and thriving more than ever!