Google is coming for all your online traffic.

And soon for all your insurance reimbursement checks. Now the Big G is guaranteeing those seeking your dental services will always have a great experience. Let’s see how.

Check out this search. I one finger punch ‘Real Estate Agent’ to the Google god and receive this peculiar line item at the top.

Google Screened. What is that you might ask? How did these folks with their mugshots get the very prominent ‘real estate’… no pun intended… put in front of your digital porch.

When you go meta and google search ‘Google Screened’ you get this:

Reading the words ‘extensive background and license checks’ hmmm let’s put on our thinking caps.  Anytime I’ve had to do an extensive background and license check it usually means a lot of barriers and a fee.

And boy is there some barriers and a fee on obtaining this Google Screened checkmark. Getting Google Screened currently is available to Real Estate, Law and Financial Planning in certain markets at the time of this writing. You jump through a bunch of hoops to verify that you’re licensed and insured to do what it is you say you do. So stop pulling out teeth on your pet for practice please. Black market dental vet services are better left to the pros.

If you get Google Screened, you can leap at the next step of Google advertisement life. Called Google Guaranteed. For $600 a year plus $25-50 per lead, Google guarantees that the services you rendered for successfully connecting nerdy keyboard Google searchers with your dental office or their money back (up to $2,000). 

The math adds up, when this opens up to dentists, there is going to be the big pockets dropping coin on obtaining more traffic. This is a race to give up a load of money each month to the Goog’s just to get more digital traffic. 

Let’s face it, we’re living with a monopolized market for digital traffic. Lest we get any regulation, this will become a stupendous grab bag of advertisement money for large ticket (implants, esthetics and prosthetics) dental procedures. 

Be prepared my friends, we’re entering a digital age geared towards those arming themselves through authentic real life relationships, great service and a digital presence. Free digital traffic will become shunted, the paid traffic world is speeding up faster than your high speed at full bore. Watch out to thrive my friend.
