Past performance is NOT indicative of future results.


Oooh, starting off with a so often seen catchall scary legal financial warning label. Is Lam gonna talk about retirement? Investments? Macro economics?



But what if we applied the above statement outside of the financial realm?


It rained yesterday, does it mean it should be another dreary overcast gray day today?


Picking your lifetime soulmate or marriage partner based on your 20 year old self’s preferences vs your 30 year old self’s preferences would probably seem like two completely different persons.


And if you’ve ever interviewed someone for a job, you’ve likely fallen for the past performance trap at one point or another.


I’ve been in interviews feeling like this person is peanut butter to my jelly. Their green eggs to our ham.


And they turn to be an utter flap jack of a flop months later.


A great interview may just mean they’re great at interviewing.


Just as a terribly unproductive month with no new patients may be followed by a December like frenzy to the end of the year follow up month. 


In general, most humans are terrible at predicting the future. 


Especially us dentists, we’re quite horrible at it. All I know is every lingual crack I see on #19 is gonna break Thanksgiving Day on every one of my patients.


Kidding aside, begin throwing away the fallacy you’ve been lulled into thinking past indicators to help predict our future success.


So what if you weren’t #1 academically in your class. You still got the same diploma hanging in your office to do the same exact things they did (psss you have all the same opportunities to be just as, if not more even more successful… whatever that means).


So what if your current staff fight, bicker, bitch and moan with every new change you want to implement. Either you’re doing it because you want your practice to thrive and get better, or that you don’t want past performance to stay the same.


And so what if you haven’t gotten off the couch and pursued a passionate dream you’ve laid to the wayside because life ‘got too busy’. Past performance is NOT indicative of future results.


Tis all for today my friend,
