Google search has turned into a verb. It’s convenient, easy and grabs your answer before you’ve had a chance to finish your questi… oh look I typed the letter ‘A’ 

And the first suggestion I get is Amazon.

If I were smart. I’d consider naming my dental practice Amazon Dental. 

Just like putting your practice on the busiest corner of the city, this would do the same on the interwebs. Don’t believe me, just look at this practice:

Genius!!! I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this myself. Dentist Near Me, the most searched dental related term in any city. 

If you’re taking over a dental practice, starting one from scratch or changing names, this episode is for you.

Your name may be helping or hurting your SEO and business in general. So what should we consider when naming our practices today?

As in the example above, using SEO related terms in your name will automatically put you at the top of the search rankings. ‘Kid Dentist Near Me’ ‘24 Hour Dentist Near Me’ ‘Dental Implants Near Me’ are all gonna put you at the top of the search pages. 

As you can see in the pattern. Including dental, dentistry or dentist in your name helps tip you off quickly. 

Don’t overdo it with just adding dentist terms to everything though. It doesn’t work if you slap it behind your name. As much as I’d love to have ‘Lam Dental’ be my next practice moniker. I’m forgetting about my future associate who will become my partner. My damn ego gets in the way dohhhh! 

And I’ll likely sell the practice once I’m done right? The chance the next person has my name ain’t great unless I change it to James or Mary Smith. The two most common names in the US.

Don’t make it complicated. Alliteration is great if used appropriately. It’s memorable. But add too much and it becomes Distinguished Diamond Dentistry. Just a pain in the arse for staff to say. Less is more.

Also, keep it simple. When I saw Prestigious Dentists of Minneapolis and Associates, I just choked on the words you just made me barf in my mouth. (There is no such practice by that name… I hope). I guess if you have a practice going for a douche-like feeling, be my guest, there are certainly patients who like that sort of atmosphere. Complicated practices names are for complicated people.

And there you have it. Another episode, another week. By the way, this year I need to be a little better about this. If you enjoy these short weekly blurbs, please consider sharing with another friend who might feel the same way. Sharing is caring.
