The Hygiene Vacuum

 This will be the greatest vacuum made since Hoover and Dyson reinvented it. We’re talking about the labor shortage that is in full bloom. It will take years if my theory stands correct. This is all conjecture of course.  When we all disappeared in lock down, a paradigm shift occurred in a lot of individuals. […]

Millennial Dentist Are Poor

I hate to go on Facebook Dental forums. All the B’in and moaning about how staff make their life miserable or insurance isn’t enough. Throw on top, all the shade patients tell you they hate you. Keep shaking on that salty salt to our already gaping wound. But I do have a sort of soft […]

A Dental Practice Full Of Life

Last week, I completely changed my life. I picked up a brand new puppy. Mochi Butt. For someone who loves to travel, enjoys solitude and doing the unknown on a whim. This is quite the root I’m planting. My younger self would decry such responsibility. I enjoy my freedom too much. But alas, a change […]