Advocacy Isn’t Nagging

Nobody ever wants that constant nag in their life.  A pull that incessantly snatches at the shoulder of your mind. Tugging to get more attention. Ignoring the nag simply puts another ‘hey we’ve missed you and would like your undivided attention’ voicemail recordings to your memory bank. I think it’s important in our line of […]

Network In Full Dental Effect

Like sneezing inside your mask. It sucks like losing a crown to your assistants high speed suction. Can’t stop it, you just gotta let nature take its course and endure the glaring afterwards as you get treated like a leper.  Unfortunately society has become a battleground of germaphobes vs super immunes. Everything has gotten so […]

Hard Money Is Good For Dentistry

Smushing down this shiny gold bridge, I watch the contrast of creamy gooey cement push out the margins making the most perfect cake piping edge.  As I was plopping this bridge into place. I couldn’t help to think, this person is receiving a bit of the world’s supply of gold to their mouth. A natural […]