Covid On Dentists, A One Year Review

Quarantine. Pandemic. The Unknown. A dentites review, one year later. I remember being ordered to go home that day. ‘We’re shutting it down, and we can’t do anything about it…’ my partner muttered. It seemed surreal seeing highways devoid of traffic at peak hours. The costco checkout line appeared similar to entry to kickoff Sunday […]

A Forced Jet Lag Of Stress This Week

Rough composite against buccal mucosa.  That’s what I felt like Monday morning. Why did I have such a terrible night’s sleep might you ask? Well the day before, I was only forced to an annual hour jet lag ritual called Daylight Savings Time.  It’s so insidious. Why the heck do we even do this! It […]

Get Patients To Say No To You

NO I mean it, NO N     O How two little letters make you feel so powerful. At the age of two, you’d tell mom NOoooo, giving the cheek to the spoon full of soggy spinach cream casserole.  No is empowering. No is firm. No is short. No is direct. No puts you in […]